Is your home trying to tell you something? Even if you think things are working well right now, there are a few warning signs that could indicate your home is in need of some repair. Read on for a few of our suggestions on what to look for below:
-Ceiling stains: Does your home have water stains that extend across the ceiling or down the walls? That could be an indication of a leaky roof. If you do have a leaky roof, that’s something you’ll want to get fixed immediately, as that can lead to bigger problems like mold, rotted framing, or ruined insulation.
-Rusted gutters: A leaky gutter usually starts at a rusted spot or where a seam has opened up because of expansion and contraction. If your gutter looks good aside from that one spot, you can fix the leak by scraping off the rust and patching it with some gutter repair tape.
-A stain around your bathroom fan: If you’ve got a stain around your bathroom fan, condensation is forming inside of the duct. It’s possible that the warm, moist air from your bathroom is condensing in the duct (especially when it’s cold outside) and the water is seeping into where the fan is housed. It could be soaking the drywall around the fan and potentially ruin your fan and the framing components in your attic.
-White material on your chimney brick: Efflorescence is a white material that appears on brick when moisture moves through. The moisture picks up minerals, and when the moisture evaporates, the minerals are left behind in the form of tiny white crystals. This is normal in small amounts, but if you see major efflorescence on your chimney, it could mean that you have moisture inside. When that moisture freezes, it can do a lot of damage to your chimney, so get it fixed as soon as possible.
-Melted grommets on your water heater: Exhaust from a gas hot water heater flows out through a duct and out of the house. However, if things aren’t working right, that carbon monoxide may backdraft and spill out into your home. If you see melted grommets on your water heater, this is a warning sign that backdrafting has happened at least once, and you’ll need to get this fixed.
-Damaged siding: When it’s spotted and corrected early, it’s a pretty easy fix, but if it’s not taken care of soon enough, damaged siding can cause a host of other problems, such as mold and structural damage.
-Warped decking: If you see your deck sagging or notice warped boards, that’s a warning sign that it needs repair. Problems like moisture, termites, or poor construction could have caused the problem, but it’s important to get your deck fixed before it collapses.
-Loose outlets: If you have a loose outlet, the movement of constantly plugging and unplugging cords into that outlet can make the wires loose, too. Loose wires can create arcing, which is a safety concern and something that should not be ignored.
If you’ve noticed any of these or have other issues in your home that you think may be a concern, Hunter Handyman Services is here to help. Give us a call at (815) 780-7884 for more information and a free estimate.